
media soSIAL

I think social media really get into us. What we see from the world of social media is happiness and expectation.

We saw someone happiness, then we compare with ourselves.

We saw someone rich from Instagram, we begin to hesitate with our life.

We saw somebody gave a Mercs as a present to their partner, we begin questioning our partner.

So on and so forth.

But we did not realize what we have that they don't have.

They will not show their true identity in social media.

Trust rezeki masing masing.

My advice is to not compare yourself with anybody else. Because you're unique and special.

Till then...


BS people

If you work in a mainstream swasta company. You will know that everyday you will be bombarded by a heavy pressure. Sometimes the one that you can barely handle.

Sometimes facing fucking bullshit people which tell bullshit thing makes you lose the tiny motivation you got.

Sometimes when you're in charge is not supportive enough, you will lose all sight of hope. "You go think for yourself la after all the problems came from your in charge" like melayu said, dapat taik aje.

Maybe i'll quit sooner than expected. I don't know.


Takde apa

Dear readers,

Sekarang dah masuk 10 bulan aku bekerja. Ada hari banyak tekanan, ada hari okey je. Macam tulah hari hari aku. Financial aku, takde la nk ckp kukuh tapi boleh saja la. Setiap bulan misti ada je klua duit. Kdg kdg tatau duit tu ke mana. Takpelah, mungkin utk kegunaan diri sdiri juge.

Takde apa nak tulis pun. Just update.

Thank you.